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Seedling supported in a hand


Your donations help to support our mission and ministry.

You can also support us by volunteering your time.


Whether you choose to make a one-off gift or set up a recurring donation, there are various ways to give to St. Elisabeth's but the best way is by setting up a standing order form - just click the button below to download a form.


You can also give directly through internet banking. If your gift is a ‘one-off’ for a particular campaign please put details of what it is for in the reference part of the transfer. St. Elisabeth's bank details are:


St. Elisabeth Parochial Church Council

Lloyds Bank


Sort Code: 30-90-47

Account No: 00411711


Another way to give is through your employer’s payroll giving scheme (not all employers run this scheme, so check with your Human Resources department). Again, please make sure you Gift Aid your giving if entitled to do so.


If you need any help or have any questions, please contact our Administrator, Samson by email at



If you are a UK taxpayer, you can Gift Aid your donations and enable us to claim the tax back on the money you give under the government's Gift Aid Scheme. This means that for every £1 you give, St. Elisabeth's can claim 25p back and this makes a substantial difference to us. The Standing Order form includes the Gift Aid option.



Volunteers are the lifeblood of any church - would you like to get involved? If so, please contact our Administrator Samson Omosule by email:


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